These days, technology has progressed to such a level that it is now possible for organizations to make operations that seemed so complex a while ago a lot simpler. This progress has also reduced the amount of maintenance needed on machines and made it an overall better prospect for all stakeholders.
As a leading Simatec agent KSA we offer one of the most popular automatic lubrication and tools in the region – SimaLube. Till date, we have been able to sell millions of these automatic lubricators to plenty of satisfied customers who are spread all around the world. These lubricators come in 5 separate sizes and are great for all kinds of single point lubrication related work that you may wish to do with oil or grease. You can use them with a wide range of oils and greases – the applications, in this case, are almost limitless. If your roller bearings have been lubricated wrongly or insufficiently they would wear out a lot earlier before the tenure that is expected of them.
The beauty of SimaLube is that you get an uninterrupted supply of lubricants in an amount that is good enough for you. It brings down the shutdown times and costs as well.
Our second major offering to you as a Simatec agent Saudi is SimaTherm. With this particular range of products, you would be able to heat your ring-shaped metal parts such as roller bearings within a really short span of time. These products would provide the heat expansion that would help the work-pieces to be fitted in the shaft with consummate ease. At the time the heating process is on, it is only the work-pieces that get heated up. However, the remainder of the equipment remains cool. Simatec makes a number of induction heaters for work-pieces and the maximum limit, in this case, is 4000 kg.
It is also capable of creating heaters for specialized applications in case you clients demand so. These ring-shaped parts are capable of providing inductive heating within a short span of time. It also helps that they are efficient and clean as well.
As Simatec Saudi agents, we also offer you the complete SimaTools range of products. These products make it easy to remove and install radial shaft seals and roller bearings within short spans of time. These products are used all around the world in industries such as machine industries and maintenance workshops to name a few.
The best thing about these products is that they can be used within really short spans of time and in a precise manner as well. The installation done with these products is reliable and complete as well. The same can also be said about the removal work done by these machines. The best part of this is that any removal work done with SimaTools would not damage the machines that are in the vicinity of the one where the removal work is being done. They normally include the likes of fitting tools, bearing maintenance kits, ball bearing pullers, etc.