Lubrication Options For Thin Section Bearings For Hard-To-Reach Applications:

By April 1, 2022Blog

Nowadays, properly relubrication thin section bearings can help you extend their life and performance. On the other hand, you need to have regular maintenance and bearing lubrication, and it can be difficult or even impossible in some situations. In that situation, you need to develop a different solution to make sure that your bearings continue to function without the need for constant maintenance. In the Simatec agent, preservation costs and production losses due to continuing downtime can add up rapidly. A most important cause of bearing failure is inadequate or unacceptable lubricants, leading to contamination or excess heat. If relubrication isn’t an option, there are a few other solutions. 

  • Simatec agentSolid Lubricant:

A solid lubricant is an excellent choice for any thin section bearing that will not be serviced over its lifetime. Saudi Arabia is a country on the Arabian Peninsula in western Asia, and there are many manufacturing agents forbearing. In SBS agent Saudi Arabia, solid lube uses a porous, sponge-like polymer introduced into the bearing to provide a constant oil flow. The lubricant will release the right amount of oil when the parts run, allowing the bearing to function normally. Solid lubricants are a generally clean solution and give a lubrication choice for impossible or hard-to-reach components. Solid lubricants can be manufactured with food-grade or other speciality oils and won’t leak like certain regular greases. So, it helps to make them ideal for applications that can’t afford lubricant spills or other problems.

  • Oil Baths:

When it depends on your application, an oil bath may be able to keep bearings oiled in hard-to-reach regions. An oil bath employs a reservoir that is either entirely or partially filled with oil to allow moving parts to lubricate themselves effectively over time. In the Simatec agent, the bearing, or some other rotating item, is essentially buried in oil. It sucks oil up and lubricates itself as that portion spins, spilling extra oil onto other elements in a closed space, such as a gearbox. This strategy can help you reduce the number of times the oil is replaced or supply the application’s lubrication before retiring the complete unit.

  • Sealed Bearings:

Relubrication is difficult or impossible for much application, and it is sealed with a thin section bearing which is a possibility. These components feature built-in seals to keep dirt, water, and other contaminants from the bearings. However, adding more oil to this seal would need disassembling the item. As a result, SBS agent Saudi Arabia producers ensure that the item has enough lubrication to survive the bearing’s estimated lifetime. While a sealed bearing may not have the same lifespan as a genuine part that is properly maintained and greased regularly, it can be a useful alternative. The lubrication of a sealed bearing will persist as long as the bearing’s life calculation fulfils your expectations.

  • Select The Right Simatec Agents:

There is no size fits for thin section bearing, but there is a correct choice based on your application requirements. So, it will help you choose which thin section bearing style best suits your lubrication requirements, whether it’s one of their standard models or a custom thin section bearing built to your specifications.

Final Thoughts:

Thus, lubricants of thin bearing lubricants help extend the lifetime, and it is difficult to maintain. And if you are ready to invest in bearing, it will be the right choice for your performance needs and budgets.